Unlock the offers you really want by setting up your personalized offers on MyGroceryOffers.ca or your favourite grocery store app using the steps below.
Access your personalized offers now: Login here.
Open the app, click on the Offers section and then on Get started. Then, log in or create your account.
Add your Scene + number to your profile. You will receive an email from your grocery store containing a 6-digit validation code. Enter this validation code on the app registration page. A second validation will be sent to your email box by Scene+. Enter the new 6-digit code in the app.
Open your grocery app weekly to load your personalized offers.
Scan your Scene+ card every time you shop to earn your Scene+ points.
Unlock the offers you really want by setting up your personalized offers on MyGroceryOffers.ca or your favourite grocery store app using the steps below.
Digital Exclusive offers are available each week to help you accumulate more Scene+ points.
Earn even more Scene+ points on the items you already love and shop for so you can get your next reward faster.